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We currently accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express via Shopify Payments
  • Digital Payments: Google Pay, Apple Pay via Shopify Payments
  • PayPal

pagamenti Tata Italia

Tata Italia is always very attentive to security, especially in terms of payments and transmission of personal data. Transactions on our site are carried out using cutting-edge tools, equipped with the most advanced security technologies, to guarantee the confidentiality of the data transmitted and peace of mind for our customers.

We use Shopify Payments and PayPal, both leading online payment platforms, to ensure safe and secure transactions.

Through these services you will be able to access, in total security and with the guarantee of encrypted browsing via SSL coding, a large variety of payment methods, from the classic and most widespread, to the most innovative.

New latest generation payment methods are under development and will be added to the list indicated.


If you select one of the Visa, MasterCard or American Express options when finalizing the purchase, you can use your credit or debit card to make the payment via Shopify Payments.

All major existing credit or debit card circuits are accepted, in order to guarantee our customers maximum freedom of choice and maximum flexibility.

To ensure maximum security during transactions, the system accepts credit or debit card payments only if 2-factor authentication, also called strong customer authentication, is enabled on the card used. For the Visa and MasterCard circuits, the system is called “3-D Secure Verified by Visa” and “MasterCard SecureCode” respectively. From 1 January 2021, following the European PSD2 directive, banks are obliged to require 2-factor authentication for online purchases. More information on this can be found at the following official link of the European Central Bank.

In the event that 2-factor authentication is not enabled on the card or in general the transaction carried out contains some detail deemed anomalous by the control system, the transaction will be carried out in "pending" status and the order will therefore not be processed. immediately created. At this stage our staff will receive a notification, and after appropriate checks they will be able to accept or decline the payment made and, consequently, accept or decline the purchase. We reserve the right to request a photo of the holder of the card used, of the card itself and/or of an identity document, in order to complete any necessary checks.

2-factor authentication is still mandatory above certain amounts. In this case, if not present, it will not be possible to use the aforementioned card for the purchase.


By selecting PayPal during checkout you will be redirected to the official website of the service where you can:

  • Access your PayPal account via user and password, and use the credit, debit or current account cards previously linked to your account.

If this payment method is used, we reserve the right to accept payments only from verified PayPal users and also to ship the selected goods to the delivery address indicated in the PayPal account through which the transaction is carried out.

  • If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still use the relevant service by clicking on the "Continue even without having an account" link at the bottom of the login screen.

In this way the system will allow you to enter your credit or debit card information into the PayPal system in "guest" mode, without actually having an account.


In case of returns or in any situation it is necessary to make a refund, the same will always be carried out by canceling the purchase transaction. The methods with which the refund will be made, therefore, vary and depend on the form of payment used for the purchase.

The timing of crediting refunds also varies based on the payment method used. Normally, however, regardless of the method selected, chargebacks can take from a few working days up to several weeks to be visible in your availability or credit limit. More information on this can be provided by your bank or credit institution.

From the moment the refund is issued and the consequent notification on our part to the customer, Tata Italia has no possibility of intervening or accelerating the refund operations.


Security in navigation and data transmission is guaranteed by the SSL encrypted connection that is established between the user's device and the selected payment system.

Regardless of the payment method used, Tata Italia does not receive sensitive data relating to payments made under any circumstances and in any way. Information such as credit card number, account number and/or any passwords or authentication pins do not pass through our servers, but are communicated directly to the payment service providers.

Tata Italia therefore in no case has access to the above data, but limits itself to receiving notifications from the aforementioned suppliers on the outcome of the transactions carried out in order to proceed or not with the creation of orders.

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